mazes, whirlpools, nightmares...and me!

i wish i could grab my very simple digicam and go out to take some fotoz, but i have no time:(
it rains almost everyday here.
it's very dark and gloomy.
and i sleep more and more :(
and dream of iran, family, a pile of assignments and unsolvable questions , a whirlpool of "running and not reaching", of my heart doc. and surgery room, ... and a bunch of other sur-real nightmarish dreams!!
i have to take a number based on a guess-work , then divide it by 2, then divide the first number by this, then add the result to the guessed number and divide it by 2 again and continue this loop untill the guess is within 1% of the previous guess!!!

isn't it a crazy maze?!!
if you wanna have some childish fun, try some of these .