i know i'm living a fake life, i know, don't try to share your joy with me!! it just doesn't work... i don't need your humongous kindness that seems fake... fake, fake. ainp
پنجشنبه 14 اسفندماه سال 1382 ساعت 11:33 ق.ظ
anita -ainp
یکشنبه 17 اسفندماه سال 1382 ساعت 11:31 ب.ظ
fake means unreal, means artificial, not natural or normal... it's not what u think (fuck), it's not a swear word at all....anyway, the first comment made me laugh, what i didn't experience lately!!!
انقده فحش نده مرتیکه.
whats wrong with fake? half of world is fake!!
what a fucking fake it is!
fake means unreal, means artificial, not natural or normal... it's not what u think (fuck), it's not a swear word at all....anyway, the first comment made me laugh, what i didn't experience lately!!!
nedonam chi shode ke fekr kardi hatta bazi mohebatha ham masnoeye .manam az delsozi badam miyad . anitaye azizam ..
ij ust wanted to send a fake comment and say :hello