to dear p:
she feels like that.
this is her month,
a ‘leo’ month.
she doesn’t like to be reminded of it
she knows
it is there
all the time
every year
a proud girl
who fears
to end up having her pride
and shattered…!!
who is looking after her dignity
like a fragile crystal ball.
a good-hearted
and an honest
yet brave and knowledgeable
enjoying sophisticated ideas, yet being very open-minded,
a great friend also,
a treasure,
“who is lost …
in her thoughts”, “who is not but a loser, a weird one, though”,
what she calls herself,
which I’m asked not to judge about!
this is her month
happy her month! 24-july-04
excuse my boldness but…
i wonder what sexual pleasure
the fishes get
if the males
have to just fertilize the egg cells
that are already
spread by the females!!?
aren’t we the result of
a some-second ignorance of a sexual pleasure
of our parents?!!!?
… or tell me if the definition of
sexual intercourse among fishes
is different
from that of
some other species
then… i guess i wish i was a fish!
10 –july-2004 ainp
then… i guess i wish i was a fish!
من فقط همین یه خطو درست حسابی فهمیدم. ولی فک کنم شعر بود دیگه نه! دو نقطه دی
about first poem:
surely i cann't understand it completely cause i cann't make a appropriate communication with it. but i like this section:
" proud girl
who fears
to end up having her pride
and shattered…!!
who is looking after her dignity
like a fragile crystal ball.
maybe for its breaked form and incisiveness verbs. like stained!
about second one:
you point out a wonderful subject. a natural beast that avoid from low level pleasure!! really, what kind of pleasure, force or will exist?
by the way i strictly believe that i am here, cause of my parents pleasure! or gods difference exists.
then… i guess i wish i was a fish too!
khosh bashi
oh...!!! u got me girl!!!
i feel i have lived a thousand years by now, as long as all mammoths and dinasaurs, if they hadn't been extinct...!
thanks for rememebring it anyway. that's very sweet of u :)