to myself:
like those who are just randomly
chosen to be physically or mentally handicapped
- though so unfair!!-
you are picked
to suffer
this way.
don’t ask why.
make the best use of
what is left
for you.
i’m not fooling you! 11 dec. 04 anita
i wanna post some photos (but this photo archive is not mine !!) from snow and this and that, but no free host! lemme know of any you know please!
khosh behaleton ke enhame barf omade onja. enja ye zare miyad va tamom mishe ,mamnon az lotfet va mehrabonit , delgarmam mikone be zendegi .chand ta ax ham didam , kheyli ghashange,
photo archive mobaraka bashad enshalah!
the photo archive is not mine!!!!!!! besides, the photos are kinda old!!!!!!!!! :)
how R U ani?
just Salam,
i'm not able to tell anything, cause i am not a good blogger.
so JUST:
wish you a merry christmas and happy new year