revolving round me only?!
i’m not the sun,
you are having a vertigo?!
my own dreams are coming back to me.
and i am happy.
i didn't choose my birth
but i feel i was reborn
last week.
i am still wearing the crucified jesus;
and enjoy listening to "hands" by jewel.
and i like green and
cold brown so much
these days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what's going on with me?!
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
i regretted not having my camera on me yesterday early in the morning when on my way to school i saw two homelesses with their dog wrapped in torn blankets sleeping in the courtyard of a church, in the heart of downtown. and it's getting very chilly here these days.
but would i have taken a foto from them if i had my camera on me?!
i don't think so!!!!
tavalode dobare khobe kheyli anita jooooon
tavalodet mobarak khanomi .