what suits what!?
this crazzzyyy world suits some crazzyyy people like some of our profs.
or ...it's only them who can suit this damn crazy world
or... they and a bunch of other crazzzyyy people have altered the world from i dunno what
to this holly s...t by their endless crazzziiinesss,
to this crazzzyyy place where we are doomed to live
and keep pretending we are happy!
i'm mad, eh?!
i know.
more than that i am tired; haven't gotten enough sleep.
... but will soothe my frayed nerves a bit by checking out these nice shots taken by my friend, jerome, from jardin botanique in Strasbourg :)...
and then back to reality -> studying/reading/working :(
you maybe wrong, those might not be reality. who knows? who is here to say what is real and what is not? when we are not even sure if we are real!