if love is meant to complete a human’s life

i live a half life now!

don’t try to tell me how to live

i know it all

i just don’t know how to die!

i’m tired of living,

is there anything else

i can do?!


time is

too heavy!!
i had never thought of being a bear, just i didn't want to be a human, whatever, not a human though, not this way, and
Brother Bear was so close to what i always had in my damn head. i loved it. ainp

lift me up

i wish/ i could be/ lifted up/ by a force/ up on the air!// i wish/ i would be/ taken away!/ just / away!/ on a boat,/ on a train,/ or even on/ a chariot!/ who cares for/ the speed!?// i wish/ i’d forget/ everything;/




t h i n g/
i was in /
coma/ for/ the rest of my/
damn life!