Ganji, an Iranian journalist,
the prisoner of free expression/thought in Iran

His wife has finally met him (today, july 4th) after some days. she says that he is still on hunger strike and has become very weak and can't talk well. But he is still having a good morale. He also insists that he should get released from prison unconditionally.
The prosecutor, Mortazavi, is still pushing him to write a letter of repentance, which means he should denounce all his previous ideas and his both Republican Manifestos. He has been threatened that more charges will be added to his file and his sentence will be extended otherwise.

- you can read his latest letter to all free people of the world in English here and in French here .
- also, his second Republican Manifesto is found here .

- join us here to let the world know about this issue, please.
- they are also supporting him.
UK Presidency of EU 2005 calls on Iran to release political prisoner, Akbar Ganji. please read the news here

prisoners of thought

following the recent news in iran, i have noticed that the shocking news on the election(!!) of the new president has unfortunately overshadowed some other important issues such as fight for freedom, including freedom of speech, for which tens of poeple are in jail now.
among them, two of them went on a hunger strike a while ago:
Zarafshan and Gannji
Zarafshan is reported to be in hospital or to have ended the hunger strike now, but Ganji is still in danger.
the news about them are always capsuled by lies and wrong info.
i'm not a journalist or anything, but wish iranians (journalists, writers, artists, intellectuals, ...) would Do something really practical today, RIGHT NOW !!!!
PS: tryng to look for the latest news about these two in the world media, i got surprised how their coverage has ignored them!!